Patriotism Remembering our Patriots Remembering our Veterans Remembering our Patriots Holiday Cards for Active Duty Military Patriot Markers Honoring our Veterans Sporting our Patriotism Promoting Patriotism Celebrating Constitution Week Parading for Patriotism Wreaths Across America Celebrating Independence Day Patriots Honored at the Missouri State Rotunda VA Hospital Donations Quilt of Valor Presentation Promoting Patriotism Celebrating Flag Day Honoring Those Who Served Honoring Veterans Education Promoting Education Genealogy Workshops Promoting Literacy Celebrating Constitution Week Supplies for Teachers Celebrating Constitution Week Supplies for Teachers Historic Preservation Preserving Headstones Preserving Trail Markers (El Camino Real) Preserving Cemeteries Preserving Headstones Preserving Cemeteries Preserving Historic Buildings Preserving History – El Camino Real Marker Preserving the Madonna of the Trail Marker Preserving Roslyn Heights. MSSDAR State Headquarters Serving Community Donations – Women in Need Donating in the Community Donating in the Community VA Hospital Donations Food Drives 2024-07-13